Peripeteia Steam (PC) - Steam CD Key - GLOBAL
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Buy Peripeteia Steam (PC) - Steam CD Key - GLOBAL - Peripeteia is a first-and-third-person role-playing stealth game taking place in alt-history cyberpunk Poland. Inspired by immersive sims from Ion Storm and Looking Glass Studios, Peripeteia expands on the formula with new ideas and an original setting.
In an alternate history cyberpunk Poland, a young cybernetic supersoldier named Marie must make her way as a Mercenary in a post-Soviet city full of corruption and opportunity; where nations, powerful factions and ideologies clash.
You will be forced to use your wits, tact, and raw violent nature to complete tasks shrouded in conspiracy and mystery. Logic, skill and ruthless cunning will win you the day in an interactive and adaptive world. When that fails, a loaded gun and the ability to create your own climbing routes virtually anywhere, will suffice.
Have you found yourself hungering for a sense of survival, accomplishment, and player choice long absent from this dark and belied industry? Then consider joining us in the lights of the Eastern Night with Peripeteia.
Platforma |
Steam |
Kraj |
Global |
Product Type |
Digital Key |
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